Wsu Telework Agreement

WSU Telework Agreement: Guidelines for Remote Work Success

The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed the way we work. With the shift to remote work becoming more and more common, Washington State University (WSU) has developed a telework agreement to ensure that employees and supervisors have clear guidelines and expectations for remote work arrangements. This article will explore the WSU telework agreement and provide insights into its benefits and best practices for successful remote work.

Overview of the WSU Telework Agreement

The telework agreement at WSU is a written agreement between an employee and their supervisor that outlines the terms and conditions of working remotely. It covers various aspects of telework, such as the work location, work hours, communication expectations, and equipment and technology provisions. The agreement is designed to ensure that both the employee and the employer are on the same page regarding the expectations and responsibilities of remote work.

Benefits of the WSU Telework Agreement

The WSU telework agreement provides several benefits to both the employee and the employer, including:

Flexibility: Telework allows employees to work from anywhere they choose, which can improve work-life balance and reduce commuting time and expenses.

Increased productivity: Studies have shown that remote workers tend to be more productive than their office-based counterparts. The telework agreement provides guidelines that can help employees stay focused and motivated.

Improved job satisfaction: The ability to work remotely can improve job satisfaction by providing more control over one`s work environment and reducing stress associated with commuting and office distractions.

Best Practices for Successful Telework

To ensure the success of telework arrangements, both employees and supervisors should follow best practices such as:

Establish clear communication: Telework requires clear and consistent communication between employees and supervisors. Regular check-ins, shared calendars, and video conferencing tools can help maintain effective communication.

Establish a dedicated workspace: Employees who telework should have a dedicated workspace that is comfortable, quiet, and free from distractions.

Set clear expectations: The telework agreement should outline specific expectations for work hours, productivity goals, and communication practices.

Use technology to stay connected: Technology tools such as email, project management software, and video conferencing can help remote workers stay connected with their colleagues and supervisors.


Telework has become an essential tool for navigating the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it is likely to remain a prominent work arrangement in the future. The WSU telework agreement provides clear guidelines and expectations for remote work, enabling employees and employers to work together effectively and efficiently. By following best practices, telework can be a viable and productive option for WSU employees.